Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities

In harmony with the Specialty Hospital mission, which insist on providing the best care for patients and for the importance of the patient’s and the family role, the hospital insures that the patient and the family will have the following rights:

  1. To access to care and receive the proper treatment and medical services that help in pain relief through all the stages of treatment and after discharge, by qualified physicians and health care providers.
  2. To receive the best health care treatment that maintains dignity, freedom and hope.
  3. To be introduced to the qualified medical team that will take care of you during your treatment and to know the treating physician who is directly related in the treatment and follow – up of the case.
  4. To choose the treating physician, unless insurance company rejects that and to ask for second opinion without compromising his/ her care.
  5. To be stay informed about the relevant information about current health status, optionfor treatment with related risk and benefits, length of recuperation, details about the course of treatment, prospects for recovery, and the possible and probable outcomes of receiving or refusing care and the right to request interpretation. In addition the patient’s right to know the cost of the treatment and to take any decision related to the treatment.
  6. To receive proper awareness, instructions and education that helps you to contribute in the decisions regarding your treatment and the available alternatives, the right to refuse treatment and the right to have your pain managed very well.
  7. To be assured of privacy and confidentiality during and after discharge the physical examination and diagnostic procedures taking into consideration the religious and social customs and beliefs which includes:
  • Having your right to decide your clothing unless it interferes with the examination procedures.
  • The right to refuse exposure of any part of the body, unless it interferes with the examination procedures.
  • To ask for religious assistance.
  • Requesting the presence of a companion from his gender.
  • Requesting to be transferred to a different room if the situation allows changing the room.
  1. Patient’s medical information is confidential and are protected through:
  • Not publishing the patient’smedical reports whether they are read, audible or visible information in public places.
  • Confidentially discuss the medical status with specialists.
  • No access or retrieval of the patient medical record from unauthorized individuals (inside or outside the hospital) unless authorized by the patient or law or legislative.
  1. To receive the most appropriate treatment plan and to ensure continuity of treatment and follow-up after discharge from the hospital.
  2. To contact whoever you want from the community through verbal or written ways
  3. The hospital administration and healthcare providers will answer promptly andquestions or enquires the patient or family has
  4. The hospital will not transfer you within the hospital or to another hospital without a written approval from your side and with the explanation of the reasons of transfer.
  5. When inquiring about the treatment fees it is yourright to get detailed bill with all the fees.
  6. To be educated about the hospital’s policies and procedures that is related to the patient such as; admission process, patient’s suggestions and complaints(blame free policy), discharge process and other procedures.
  7. The right to receive the proper treatment without discrimination based on age, gender, religion, social status, disabilities or special needs
  8. To access information on the type of services and their quality assessment results

International Patients’ Rights

  1. To receive information about all prescribed medications including their names and alternative names as they may be known by in country of residence, their normal actions and potential side-effects.
  2. To ask and be informed about the existence of business relationship among the hospital, treatment facility, other health care provider, payer or agent.
  3. To review medical records; receive a copy of medical records and other health-information documents; request changes to medical records by providing documents or information before admission and/or after discharge; and update demographic data at any hospital through procedures that guarantee accuracy, credibility and confidentiality of updated information.
  4. To receive timely and prioritized scheduling of consultations, surgery and treatment, and timely response to requests and inquiries when have work and travel constraints.
  5. To consent in writing for the preservation, disposition or use of all substances of body except when used in current diagnosis, treatment and care.
  6. To be informed of available resources for resolving disputes, grievances and conflicts, such as IRB committee & patient representatives and be informed about the outcome.
  7. To expect continuity of care, including a written discharge summary with information about continuing health care requirements immediately following discharge from treatment and about longer term care after return home.
  8. To ask and be informed about the hospital, including accreditation status, experience in performing recommended procedures and services, performance results or outcomes, and presence of or access to appropriate technology; and about the facility’s rules, policies, practices, and events that relate to patient care, treatment and responsibilities

Patients and Family Responsibilities

The Specialty Hospital provides high standard of patient's care, your cooperation is recommended to maintain and improve this care, also we appreciate your respect to the hospital rules and following the instructions that is very important to reach our aim of caring for you. Therefore and confidentially the hospital staffs expect from you the following:

  1. To provide full information about the current medical status and the history of your illness to the medical team to ensure proper diagnosis
  2. To understand treatment planset by the health care providers, and comply with them to the end.
  3. To inform the healthcare providers about any unexpected changes in your health status
  4. To be responsible of any complication that might arise from your refusal to any treatment or procedure.
  5. To show up on time for the follow-up appointment that is set by the treating physician, the physician should be informed if for any reason there patient will not come and need to reschedule the appointment
  6. To respect the patient’s privacy and comfort who are sharing the same room. Insure to have a quiet and calm environment
  7. Following the instructions of the hospital staff including the healthcare providers and the administrative staff will insure patient’s safety and continuity of care
  8. Following the visiting hours according to the hospital’s regulations is highly appreciated for the following reasons:
  • Some patients might be in critical medical status and need to rest.
  • Don’t bring food for the patient to ensure patient’s proper treatment as he/she might be on a controlled diet.
  • Strict visiting rules for ICU, CCU or other critical areas must be followed
  • Smoking inside the hospital’s units or rooms is prohibited.
  • Take care of the hospital’s properties inside the rooms or in any place inside the hospital.
  • Follow the safety and security instructions of the hospital.
  • Remember to pay hospital fees upon discharge please.
  1. To ask questions if information is not understood, medical terms, the specifics of treatment, or what is expected; and prepare written questions and comments for doctor.
  2. To consult with your doctor before self-medicating or seeking alternative therapies including herbal medicines that might interfere with your ongoing treatment.
  3. To disclose relevant information to doctors, nurses and care manager, before during and after treatment, including unexpected changes in condition, new symports, or increased pain.
  4. To take all possible precautions against spreading disease or infection, including frequently washing hands and strictly following doctor’s orders.
  5. To be prepared and knowledgeable as best can about medical condition and needs; seek expert advice from general practitioner and/or medical travel planner; and keep hometown doctor advised of plans.

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