Medical Education

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Medical Education

Medical Education

Due to the level of outstanding services provided by the Specialty Hospital for the local community and the Arab world, and the raising up of the quality of service and integrity, the sense of the hospital's management, and in line with the strategic goals of the hospital, specifically regarding the social responsibility and commitment to the transfer of expertise from senior doctors to the new generation, the hospital administration has led the Specialty Hospital project Medical Education since 2006.

This project provides all the material and technological possibilities of: space, classrooms, Internet, and electronic library at the highest levels, as well as the necessary trained staff in the Office of continuing Medical Education.

The Specialty Hospital management Continued with senior doctors consultants from all specialties to be part of the educational bodies of the various specializations, and has collaborated with various medical sectors in the Kingdom, where they are calling examiners from medical schools in the Jordanian universities and the Ministry of Health and the Royal Medical Services.

For this, all required registrations and documentations were acquired by the management and attained the recognition of the Jordanian Medical Council and the Arab Council for Medical Specialties in twelve  different specialties since 2006.

On the other hand, the Specialty Hospital supplemented the community and the Arab world with a large number of new doctors equipped with high-level of expertise that they gained from the hospital.

As a result of the reputation and the high level of educational programs the Specialty Hospital, many of the Graduates of this program has been offered jobs in European countries such as UK and France, as well as in the United States, in addition to the large number of graduates who have contracted with the Gulf Arab states.

As a complement to this vital project, the hospital administration is seeking to increase the number of specializations recognized in continuation of the policy of community service and coming generations, despite of the high cost of such programs, yet our belief that this cost is to invest in the right way and to complement the message and goals of the Specialty Hospital.

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