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Instructions for Preparation Before Imaging

Instructions for Preparation Before Imaging

Pre –preparation for Abdominal C.T

  1. Patient should eat light dinner the night before diagnostic image.
  2. Nothing by mouth after midnight.
  3. Patient should drink the imaging specific liquid 1 cup at a time and interval 10 minutes between each cups at least 1 hour before imaging.


  • Bring previous/old images if available.  
  • Kidney function test must be done at the laboratory before imaging.  

Post –image Instructions

  1. You should drink plenty of fluids.
  2. In case you are taking Glucophage, you should stop it for 2 days after the test taking into consideration radiologist consultation.

Patient Pre –preparation for Abdominal Ultrasound

  1. Nothing by mouth after Midnight.


  • Bring previous/old images if available.

Pre –Preparation instructions for pelvis ultrasound:

  1. Nothing by mouth after Midnight.
  2. You should drink 2-3 cups of water/juice 2 hours before the appointment.
  3. You should avoid going to the bathroom before the examination.  


  • Bring your previous/old images with you if available.

Barium Enema Information

Pre-preparation instructions for Barium Meal, Barium Swallow, Small Bowel Series (for adults):

  1. Patient should eat an easily digestible food the day before diagnostic test and drink plenty of fluids.
  2. After the light dinner, take laxative.
  3. You should be fasting from midnight before the test until you finish the diagnostic test.
  4. If you have constipation; you should take enema at the same day of diagnostic test.
  5. If you have any allergies you should inform the radiologist /radiology technician before the test.      


  • Patients that have health conditions and can't follow the preparation instructions above, you should consult the radiologist.
  • Female patient who is pregnant or suspects to be pregnant must inform the radiologist /radiology technician before performing the diagnostic test.   
  • Bring previous/ old diagnostic tests with you if available.
  • Kidney function test must be done at the laboratory before the diagnostic test.

Pre–preparation instructions before Intravenous Pyelogram, Kidney/ureter and bladder x-ray

  1. Patient should eat an easily digestible food the day before diagnostic test and drink plenty of fluids.
  2. After the light dinner, take laxative.
  3. You should be fasting from midnight before the test until you finish the diagnostic test.
  4. If you have constipation, you should take enema at the same day of diagnostic test.
  5. If you have any allergies you should inform the radiologist /radiology technician before the test.       


  • Patients that have health conditions and can't follow the preparation instruction above, you should consult the radiologist.
  • Female patient who is pregnant or suspects to be pregnant must inform the radiologist /radiology technician before performing the diagnostic test.   
  • Bring your previous/ old diagnostic tests if available.
  • Kidney function test must be done at the laboratory before the diagnostic test.


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