Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty which uses safe, painless and cost-effective techniques both to image the body and treat disease.
Nuclear medicine imaging is unique in that it documents organ function, structure and quantification, in contrast to diagnostic radiology which is based upon anatomy. It is a way to gather medical information that may otherwise be unavailable, require surgery, or necessitate more expensive diagnostic tests.
As an integral part of patient's care, nuclear medicine is used in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of serious disease. Nuclear medicine imaging procedures often identify abnormalities very early in the progression of a disease –long before some medical problems are apparent with other diagnostic tests. This early detection allows a disease to be treated early when there may be a more successful prognosis.
Nuclear medicine uses very small amounts of radioactive materials to diagnose and treat disease. These radiopharmaceuticals are substances that are attracted to specific organs, bones, or tissues. When introduced into the body, they produce gamma emissions. A provide information about the area of the body being imaged.
Although Nuclear Medicine is commonly used for diagnostic purposes, it also provides valuable therapeutic applications such as treatment of hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, types of bone cancer. Today, there are nearly 100 different nuclear medicine imaging procedures which provide information about virtually every major organ system within the body. Nuclear medicine now is an integral part of patient's care, and an important diagnostic and therapeutic specialty in medical science. Clinical applications Nuclear medicine imaging uniquely provides information about both the function and structure of virtually every major organ system within the body. Some of common applications are as follows :
Nuclear Endocrinology:
A. Thyroid isotope scan:
Assessment of goiter.
Detection and evaluation of thyroid nodules.
Diagnosis of cause of thyrotoxicosis.
Diagnosis of cause of hypothyroidism.
Location of ectopic thyroid tissue.
Diagnosis of thyroiditis.
Evaluation of substernal masses.
Postoperative search for functioning thyroid metastases in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (I 131 whole body scan).
B. Parathyroid isotope scan:
Diagnosis of cause of hyperparathyroidism (parathyroid adenoma, hyperplasia, etc.).
Problems of parathyroid localization.
C. Drenal gland isotope scan:
I 131 MIBG scan for evaluation of functional adrenergic tumors.
Pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma, MEN syndrome ) I 131 – iodocholesterol for adreno-cortical disorders.
Bone isotope scan.
Benign bony tumors and tumor-like lesions such as osteoid osteoma, bony islands, fibrous dysphasia, etc.).
Primary bone tumors such as osteogonic sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, chordrosarcoma, etc.).
Bone metastases.
Response to radio therapy or chemotherapy.
Osteomyelitis/ cellulitis / septic arthritis.
Evaluation of prosthetic joints (loosening, infection).
Detection of avascular necrosis (perth's disease, bony infarction, etc.).
Metabolic bone disease (pagets disease, hyperparathyroidism, osteomalcia, osteoporosis, etc.).
Bone trauma and sport injuries (traumatic, stress and insufficiency fractures, shin splints, meniscal tears in knee trauma).
Chronic low back pain.
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome.
Bone marrow scan.
Assessment of marrow extension, e.g. in polycythemia rubravera, chronic hemolytic anemis, myelofibrosis, etc.).
Metastases to bone marrow.
Bone marrow infarction.
Kidney Isotope Scan:
A. Dynamci renal scan and diuretic renagram (DTPA, -MAG-3)B. Static renal scan (DMSA):
Assessment of renal function.
Evaluation of obstructive uropathy.
Reflux nephropathy.
Evaluation of pyeloephritis and renal scrring.
Detection and evaluation of renal masses.
Ectopic and congenital renal abnormalities.
Detection of renovascualrhypertersion (captopril renal scinitigraphy).
Assessment of renal transplants.
Evaluation of renal trauma.
Lung ventilation - perfusion scan (V/Q scan).
Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (P.E) and evaluation of treatment.
Evaluation of treatment of COPD.
Inhaled foreign body, especially in children.
Evaluation of lung function prior to thoracotomy.
Nuclear Cardiology:
A. Myocardial Stress- Rest perfusion scan (Sestamibi, Thallium201):
Detection and evaluation of CAD.
Evaluation of functional significance of coronary abnormalities.
Evaluation of patients with falsely abnormal or equivocal ECG.
Identify patients with physiological angina pectoris.
Assessment of effectiveness of PTCA and CABG surgery.
Assessment of efficacy of thrombolysis.
Assessment of post infraction myocardial viability.
Identify patients at high risk of heart attacks going to surgery for other reason.
B. Gated Blood pool study (MUGA):
Estimation of ejection fraction.
Detection of wall motion abnormality in ischemic heart disease.
Monitoring cardiac function in patients on chemotherapy.
Gastrointestinal isotope scan:
A. Liver – spleen scan:
Evaluation of liver size, shape and position.
Evaluation of abdominal masses.
Parenchymal and metastictic liver disease.
Evaluation of splenic disease, splenomegaly, accessory spleen functional asplenia, etc.
Liver and spleen trauma.
B. Hepato-biliary (HIDA) scan:
Acute and chronic cholecystitis.
Evaluation of jaundiced patients.
Congenital and space occupying lesion.
Evaluation of G.B function and biliary kinetics.
Evaluation of neonataljaundice.
Biliary artesia.
Neonatal hepatitis.
Choledochal cyst.
Evaluation of post surgical biliary system such as biliaryentericanastamosis and bile leaks.
Bile reflux study.
C. Liver blood pool scan ( labeled RBCs):
Liver cavernous hemangioma
D. G.I Bleeding scan ( labeled RBCs)
E. Gastric emptying study
F. Ectopic gastric mucosa scan:
Meckle's diverticulum.
Barrett's esophagitis.
G. Salivary gland scan:
Evaluation of salivary gland swelling.
Assessment of salivary gland dysfunction.
Assessment of lymphedema.
Testicular isotope scan.
Testicular torsion.
Traumatic injury.
Tumor imaging:
A. Gallium -67 scan:
Hodgkin's and non-hodgkin's lymphoma.
Malignant melanoma.
Hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lung cancer.
Soft tissue sarcoma.
B. Thallium -201, Sestumibi (MIBI):
Brain tumors.
Brain metastases.
Bone and soft tissue tumors.
Thyroid cancer.
Kaposil's sarcoma.
C. Monoclonal Antibodies (Immunoscintigraphy - CEA scan):
Colon cancer.
D. Pedtide receptor imaging (indium -111 octreoscan):
Neuroendocrine tumors ( carcinoid, medullary thyroid Ca, Vipome, etc).
Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (ablation and therapy).
B.Palliative therapy of bone metastases ( strontium 89, samarium 153, yttrium -90)
Bone metastases from prostate, breast cancer, etc.
C. 1-131 MIBG therapy
Metastic neuroblastoma
D. Radionuclide synovectomy (Y-90)
E. Treatment of polycythemia rubravera
Phosphorus -32
Advantages of nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine uniquely provides information about both the function and structure of organ systems within the body. Nuclear medicine procedures are among the safest diagnostic imaging tests available. The amount of radiation is comparable to that received during a chest X-ray
Nuclear medicine procedures are painless and do not require anesthesia. Children commonly undergo NM procedures to evaluate bone pain, injuries, infection, or kidney and bladder function, etc. In addition to diagnostic imaging, NM provides valuable therapeutic applications such as in hyperthyroidis, thyroid cancers, blood jmblances and pain relief from certain types of bone cancers
Bone densitometry (DEXA)
Radiological evidence of osteopenia and / or vertebral deformity
Previous fragility fracture of the hip, spine or wrist
Corticosteroid therapy (>7.5 mg/day for 1 year or more)
Premature menopause (<45 years)
Prolonged secondary amenorrhoea
Primary hypogonadism
Anorexia nervosa
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Chronic renal failure
Prolonged immobilization
Monitoring of therapy
Nuclear medicine services are available to outpatients as well as inpatients during the following hours:
Saturday to Wednesday 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Thursday 8:30am to 2:00 pm
I like to thanks Dr. Basheer Abu Halalh and all the crew at Specialty Hospital , I was in the royal suites, the hospital is perfect and super cleanthe crew is helpful and well educated. I want to thank every one who helped me and made my stay there as perfect as possible
HRH Princess Basma Bint Talal
This distinguished institute makes us proud of the progress achieved by our dear country Jordan in the field of medicine, which is equivalent to that in the best countries of the world, this excellence and progress is from the wise management of Dr. Fawzi Al-Hammouri, whose efforts and the efforts of his colleagues at the Specialty Hospital which they deserve all the admiration and appreciation
Fatima Khaled Al Bashir - Sudan
The Wife and first cousin of Sudanese president
Thank you very much Specialty Hospital for the warm welcoming and the good treatment we found, and we noticed the good reputation of the hospital's staff from administrative to doctors and we ask God to bless them
Dr. Tabita Boutros - Sudan
Former Minister of Water and Dams - Sudan
I was very pleased to visit your hospital, and I came to receive medical care and general checkups. This is an opportunity to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me
Her Majesty Rania Al-Abdullah
I would like to highly express my admiration for your distinguished efforts that contributes to the development of the medical sector and to our county. I am pleased to express to all the staff at this outstanding medical institute, my great satisfaction and joy of the superior level the hospital achieved. I applaud for these great efforts and I support you to proceed for further achievements
Dr. Nabil Al–Sharif
Former Minister of Media & Communication in Jordan
Without exaggeration, I say that this medical institute provides great services around the clock to the citizens of Jordan, Arab patients and Jordan's visitors. The Specialty Hospital name in people's minds is connected to care and trust, which is a pride for our country and our medical institutes.
Dr. Anna - Netherlands
Medical Provider
Thank you so much for all the support, help and cooperation in the last few months. Thank you for all the care for our patients and for helping me doing my job over here in Jordan
Dr. Gabriella Vicuna - USA
Medical Tourism Association
It was our greatest pleasure and honor to visit you during the MTA FAM tour. We are extremely impressed with the great quality, technology and talented physicians we found at Specialty Hospital. From the moment you walk through the doors of Specialty Hospital, one feels warmth and hospitality of this great facility
Andera Reichlin - Switzerland
I would like to express the gratitude of the Swiss Embassy in Jordan for all what the Specialty Hospital, doctors, health and administrative personnel have done for the two injured patients.
HRH Princess Muna Al-Hussain
I am pleased to express my deep appreciation and admiration for the level of achievements you have reached in the medical field for our dear country. wish you success and good luck under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein
Noura Al Shaaban - Saudi Arabia
Member of the Saudi Shura Council
Through my tour at the hospital I was very pleased with the professional touch in dealing with patients from all countries, and I was impressed by the presence of the advanced equipment in all medical specialties, excellence in dealing with visitors and the quick procedures. Your most important feature is the presence of the best specialized consultants that made me feel comfort and reassured that the citizens of Saudi are receiving good care here
Artom Neekono - USA
Medical Provider
To the men and women that make up the wonderful staff of Specialty Hospital, thank you for the care and professionalism that you have consistently provided to all that came through you doors. You have provided a piece of mind knowing that our patients will have the best care possible in what would be normally be a very difficult situation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Dr. Mustafa Othman Ismail
Former Sudanese Presidential Adviser, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
We have found great welcoming from the doctors and nurses at the hospital, their treatment was distinguished, thanks to the Specialty Hospital family for their great interest and we witness excellence in everything from medicine to equipment and treatment
Abdullah bin Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Dhafri - Sultanate of Oman
Diwan of the Royal Court - Sultanate of Oman
I was very pleased with my visit to this hospital and its services to the patients. I was very surprised by the modern medical equipment’s and departments that I see for the first time. The management and the medical staff made me very ashamed of the spaciousness and hospitality that we received.
Dr. Mandy - USA
Medical Provider
Your emergency department was fantastic. In 30 years of practicing medicine in the United States I have never been able to get X-rays, an ultrasound and an MRI done on one of my patients in less than 4 hours. Your hospital's efficiency and timeliness and exemplary and set the standard.Our patient went to the operating theater and had his injury successfully repaired. He is doing well thanks to the great care he received at Specialty Hospital.